The Art of Healing & Trancendence
It is a big step to consider exploring wounded or even hidden places within. You are entrusting your innermost thoughts and feelings to someone, and I endeavor to be worthy of that trust. I bring 20 years working as a psychotherapist plus am now evolving to embrace ancient wisdom teachings from a more spiritual perspective. The next two pages describe ways I can help you to heal, transform, and live a more transcendent life.
Fremont neighborhood
Remuneration for the counsel you receive from me has 3 interconnected parts.
- The first is that as a healing alIy I have a growing belief in collaboration around my fee structure for services.
- The second part is that without adequate monetary generosity I cannot sustain myself and continue to offer services.
- The third is a bridge that spans the gap.
​​You are the bridge. Please allow your heart and mind working together to guide you, knowing I will hear and work with you. If your life has abundance, monetary support can flow with greater ease. If you have limited financial abundance a modest monetary contribution is reasonable and appreciated. If your life is severely lacking in funds, I have a limited number of low-end fee slots. Assuming there are openings, no matter how small an amount you may offer, you will be welcomed and receive counsel without judgment or obligation.
​​Folks have asked how I was compensated while working as a psychotherapist. The next paragraph therefore outlines my sliding scale formula I used as a psychotherapist, which continues to resonate.
While working as a psychotherapist my sliding scale fee formula was 0.1% of annual income. (ex: 70k annually = $70.00/session, 105K annually = $105.00/session, 175k annually = $175.00/session, etc.). The minimum and maximum evolved over time in response to inflation.
Talk with me directly and we can co-create a fee for you that is mutually agreeable.

Freed Gallery, Lincoln City OR 2024
Bill Grimsman MA - clinical psychology
​Healing Ally - psychospiritually aligned
619 N 35th St Ste 317
Seattle WA 98103
​206 919 1874
20 minute phone consult
Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays
9:00 am - 1:00 pm and
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
I offer in-person and virtual
when deemed appropriate.
National Help Line: call 988
Fee: See 'Remuneration' for details.
No Insurance Accepted
All forms of debit, credit and
digital options are available.