The Art of Healing & Trancendence
Terms and Definitions Copyright 2022 - current
Clear communication is a vital part of working with someone. I am therefore listing core terms I have personally defined and come to embrace as a psychotherapist and now as a healing ally. If you decide to access my services, you can refer back to these at any time. Additionally, any words emphasized by single quotation marks are also defined here.
Addiction: The biochemical or behavioral inability to self-regulate the use of a substance/s or engagement in unhealthy behavior/s. Substances or behaviors of concern, (SBC) create a firewall of false emotional protection that continually needs to be reinforced. Over time the firewall fails, and one is left vulnerable as well as with an unrelenting dependence on a SBC. Health can also be damaged.
Addiction Mind: The biochemical quality while using a substance/s or participating in unhealthy behavior/s that disrupts the mind's ability to think and act in a rational and clear manner, unnoticed or under-noticed by the user.
Awareness: The coherence or partnering of 'feelings' and 'thoughts' brought to consciousness in any given moment free of 'mind stories' to the fullest extent humanly possible.
Care Tripod: Self-care through my lens as a Healing Ally has multiple facets. The three I have identified to date are 'Healthy Living,' 'Self-care' (in a pure and direct form) and 'Time in Nature.' Each one has a unique quality that together replenish and can maintain 'Life Energy' which is the fuel that powers our respective lives.
Emotion: A conscious, unconscious, or 'mind story' response to 'feelings.' It is what one overtly shows outwardly; an angry look, laughter, silence, a smile, tears, withdrawn behavior, and more. These examples are a small sampling of many.
Feel (includes all tenses): Feelings are heart generated 'awareness' below 'mind stories' at any given moment. Simply put they are uncensored inner self-honesty at any given moment (now centric). Feelings are not bound by family of origin scripts, peer pressure, political correctness, social memes, or any other external influences humans use to define self. Examples of feelings include: anxiety, contentment, depression jealousy, joy, loneliness, love or a friend or deeper love of a partners/spouse, a profound reverence for Life and more. These examples are a small sampling of many.
Heal (includes all tenses): Healing is an ongoing 'awareness' process. In the extreme, distress is often called trauma, and healing involves a series of dedications that will collectively realign connections to Life in a more grounded and satisfying manner. Some of the core components include a greatly enhanced ability to understand 'feelings' and the relation to 'awareness," a dedicated willingness to build and connect with an individualized 'care tripod' and ultimately grow the ability to see and live 'now-centrically' into nuanced moments instead of searching for outcomes. This complex term cannot be fully defined by a definition. I am however providing a glimpse into how I conceptualize the concept as a Healing Ally.
Healthy Living: Healthy living, 'self-care,' and 'time in nature' all enhance 'life Energy.' While healthy living can overlap with 'self-care,' and 'time in nature,' it also differs in that one has to give something by way of participation to an endeavor in order to reap the benefits. An example of this would be the difference between going to the gym versus listening to music. Going to the gym requires one to show up and exert intentional action that can be and yet is not always easy in the immediate moment. Upon leaving the gym one will most likely feel more vibrant (enhanced 'life Energy'). Eating healthy food is sometimes not a first choice and then after or in a day or two the biological benefit is felt. Music however can bring pleasure (enhanced 'life Energy') with little to no dedicated action required beyond listening; 'self-care.'
Life Energy: An inner grounded quality that allows one to interact with life more vibrantly and respond with enhanced inner strength plus resilience without become overwhelmed. It also makes joys more joyous and satisfaction more satisfying. 'Life Energy' must be replenished just as the physical body requires ongoing nourishment. 'Healthy living," 'Self-care,' 'time in nature,' along with more esoteric engagements replenish and sustain an abundance of life Energy to improve quality of life.
Mind Story (includes all tenses of story): A multifaceted dynamic involving subjective interpretation that is often faulty. A mind story can apply to self, others, or an entire situation. It is a subjective interpretation versus seeing what is factually and observably true. 'Mind stories are often the culmination of family of origin scripts, peer pressure, cultural norms, societal memes or any other external messages that become anchored deep within. They can become false subjective belief patterns and rules used to respond preemptively to life events, A repeated observation historically when the same or very similar occurrence is expected to be happening again can create a variation of story that I term a well-founded mind story. It too is a story because it has not happened yet and can also validate the need to prepare given historical consistency. Again, it is important to remember it is not truth or a fact until the occurrence has taken place.
Now Centrism: An ongoing intention to make living in the moment a gentle moderate priority. The more time we spend living in the past or worrying about the future the more painful and difficult life can become. Giving forethought to organizing a vacation or making a list of supplies for a project involves leaving the moment to consider the future. These are two healthy situations when surrendering the moment long enough to prepare is well justified. Obsessing on what a trip will be like or was like historically or how previous projects have failed, can drain much needed 'life Energy.' Life invites us to let it do its job regarding the future while we attend to our nows with imperfect (no human is perfect or ever will be) skill and consistency.
Self-care: Activities or connections with others that are deeply satisfying in the moment and replenish 'life Energy.' Some examples are things such as attending a movie or concert, feeling a cool breeze on your face on a hot summer day, holding a warm mug on a crisp autumn day, kayaking, listening to music, petting an animal, stopping upon entering a grocery store to notice the flower section, swimming, a vacation, walking with a friend, poetry, art and so much more. These examples are a small sampling of many.
Spiritual bypass: Spiritual bypass occurs when someone with unresolved emotional wounds attempts, from a place of honorable intentions to utilize esoteric Spiritual and Ancient Wisdom teachings to block emotional wounds, falsely believing they have been healed.
Stamina: Physical endurance generally used to accomplish tangible physically oriented activities. Diminished stamina can also adversely affect cognitive and emotional endeavors.
Think (includes all cognitive variations): A fact-based mind generated part of 'awareness' of what did, is, or is intended to happen free of interpretation or judgment; 'mind stories.' It is also important to note that the greater amount of time away from an occurrence the more likely accuracy will decrease.
Time in Nature: Humans as bio-chemical beings require ongoing connection with nature away from technology and urban intensity. This can range from time spent in the oasis of a nature-based city park to spending days or longer immersed in various expressions of vast nature which can include mountains, forests, or bodies of water. There is growing evidence to support the restoring or rebooting quality ('life Energy infusion) quality that nature brings. Our bodies vibrate in synch with nature. Life demands plus extended immersion into technology can deplete life Energy by pulling us away from our default vibration.
Transcendence: The quality of omnipresence and oneness with Life. Words fall short of fully describing something that so strongly blends overt and ephemeral. For those who meditate and have experienced the indescribable quality of being one with all that is, comes close. Another often heard example is being alone in nature and not only seeing the wonder but also the experience of nature enveloping you and you, it. When our consciousness is in coherence with heart Energy in any given moment, we can experience transcendence and are the most fully alive we as imperfect humans can be.